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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Radio and Optico-Location Control of a Functional Condition of the Chronomagnetotherapy Patient
S.G. Gurzgin, E.M. Proshin, E.O. Putilin, A.V. Shulyakov
One of important components of complex chronomagnetotherapy is continuous control of pulse and breath rhythms during a session of a magnetotherapy for the purpose of maintenance of the automatic coordina-tion of a magnetotherapy biotropic parameters rhythmic with biorhythms of the patient. Because of staying of the patient in this case in a zone of a decent electromagnetic field, as the problem decision it is offered to use location control principles chronorhythmic the patient which convenience of application, also is caused by specificity of equipment complex chronomagnetotherapy a class «Multimag». It is known that pulse and breath rhythms are unequivocally reflected in fluctuations of a person thorax. Thorax fluctuations develop of three components: - The fluctuations caused by respiratory processes (0.1 - 0.5 Hz), - The fluctuations caused by cardiac reductions and by pulse wave (0,6 - 5,0 Hz), - Fluctuations at the expense of movement and moving of a person body. Using radar-location on extremely high frequencies (10-100 GHz) of the person thorax with registration Doppler displacement of frequency for pulse and breath control appears impossible in view of the smallest received value Doppler displacement of frequency caused by thorax fluctuations. In article it is offered to use attenuations of radio and especially optical radiation reflected from a patient thorax. For noise stability increase principles of frequency and pulse selectivity have been tested. In the first case, modulation of a signal sent on object by certain bearing frequency with its subsequent detecting on the receiver is used. In the second case, it is supposed to use synchronous detecting in a mode of pulse inclusion of signal source and to register on the receiver separately signals at switched off and switched on signal source with the subsequent finding of a difference between them. The signal relieved, thus, from noise is divided by band-pass filters on pulse and respiratory components. Further the moments of time of beating of the pulse and the beginning of phases of a breath and an exhalation are allocated. Other direction of the further development of a method is based on attempts of increase in percentage change of intensity of the accepted signal under the influence of respiratory and especially heart activity. One of ways of sensitivity increase consists in formation of certain orientation of the directional diagram of radiation. Thus the amplitude of the accepted signal will depend now also on angle of attack and reflection to a reflection surface. Both allocated signals (pulse and breath) concern to quasiperiodic and in many respects characterize stability and adaptable possibilities of a human body. They can be used in chronomagnetotherapy at three various levels. The first level - automation midichronological dynamics coordination magnetotherapeutic influences with corresponding time-and-frequency parameters of the patient organism functioning in real time. The second level - biotechnical feedback where on reactions of the patient on the basis of an inte-grated indicator of the patient condition with use of multiple parameter criterion of treatment efficiency choose biotropic magnetotherapy parameters. At the third level, the medical personnel can watch during a magnetotherapy session the patient condition, and in turn introduce correctives in treatment procedure.
Pages: 18-24
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