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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Modeling of Connected Cells - System Response on Low Intensity Microwave Radiation Exposure by Triggers - MethodModeling of Connected Cells - System Response on Low Intensity Microwave Radiation Exposure by Triggers - Method
N.V. Gretsova, R.N. Nikulin, M.V. Gretsov, M.P. Nikulina
Two equal cells - system, which can be reduced to connected biological triggers that describe cell-s general vital functions accounting activation and inhibition by ions of alkali metals, is considered. The results of research in two connected cells - system behavior depending on degree of coupling between cells are given. Phase-plane portrait and time scanning of system processes for high coupling and for weakly connected cells are produced. It is shown that increasing of coupling degree leads to «functioning reverse». The coupling degree increasing, dominant center of right branch hypothetically shifts from first cells - layer to another one and vice versa. Overlapping external EMF, self-loop of growth appears in one of cells even for sufficiently weak coupling degree. The system stabilizes slower for tight coupling than for inhibitory ion absence. Accounting activation in system results to smallish displacement of stabilization time. Analysis of system with mixed influence (activated first reaction and inhibited second one) indicates impossibility of some cell-s switching between its conditions. Time scanning of self-oscillation processes with equal initial substance stock and phase-plane portrait of connected cells - system for changing coupling parameter are produced. It can be seen on time scanning of products - changing processes (coupling degree is 66.7 %) that at some time spans one of the products - concentration becomes zeroth, and process continues at the expense of product swopping from second cell. As the coupling degree increases, «inaction» period of first cell decreases and stabilization time of second cell-s oscillation amplitude increases. It is shown that accounting microwave influence (inhibition or activation), stabilization time of system regime changes: paradoxical effect is observed - one of the reactions - inhibition leads to switching time decreasing, and activation - to rising. Establishing fact of shift regime changing, depending on what kind of influence is being realized in cells - system, indicates searching ability of objective test for assessing living systems - tolerance interval (normal interval) of functioning.
Pages: 4-11
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