350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Decision Support System for Prediction of Fetal Abnormalities
E.V. Sadykova, E.A. Semenova
The article describes a decision support system (DSS) female doctor consultation with the forecast of development of fetal abnormalities «Healthy baby». DSS «Healthy baby» is a knowledge-driven system. Its aims to help female doctor consultation to predict development of the pathology of the fetus. The technology development of the knowledge-driven DSS, which includes six stages: identification, conceptualization, formalization, implementation, testing, trial operation. Built the structure of DSS «Healthy baby», which consists of four blocks: «Registration and search of patients», «System Reference», «Database» and «Knowledge Base». In DSS «Healthy baby», used relational databases, which represent a set of tables. To create a "Knowledge Base" is used with production of knowledge representation, which has an unquestionable advantage over other formalisms (semantic nets, frames), since it is easily perceived by users, in particular, physicians in solving the problem of diagnosis or prognosis.
Pages: 57-60
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