350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Program EEG Simulator on LabVIEW
A.P. Nemirko, I.S. Salamonova
Automatic analysis of EEG signals is applied to more accurate detection of premature awakening of the patient under anesthetic during surgical operation. One of EEG indicators used in surgical monitors is spectral entropy (an entropy index). Different programming environments can be used to develop a si-mulator of EEG to verify the calculation of the entropy index, but the simplest and most intuitive one is LabVIEW. The environment for developing of laboratory virtual instruments LabVIEW represents the environment of applied graphic programming used as the standard tool for carrying out measurements, data analysis and the subsequent control of devices and investigated objects. The simulator consists of several sub-programs, each of which generates the test signal that is required for checking the index of entropy and a noise stability of the monitor. These sub-programs include tests on: correctness of the entropy index calculation, tolerance of the monitor to external factors: a power-supply noise, myographical interference, artifacts from surgical electric equipment, from an electrode-skin contact loss and oculographic noise. The simulator lets the user to control the parameters of test signals: amplitude, frequency, standard deviation. The developed program simulator was applied to automate the process of verification of the entropy index calculations and noise immunity investigations in the anesthesia monitor "LASKA" before its clinical trials.
Pages: 41-44
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