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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Psychophysiological Correlates of the Monotony State: Gender Differences
N.N. Lebedeva, A.V. Vekhov, E.D. Smirnova
Hundreds of lives depend on the quality of the human operator work in the modern world, therefore, the urgent problem today is the appearance of the monotony state and tiredness due to repetitive prolonged work. The hu-man functional state (emotions, level of tiredness and attention, etc.) determines the control quality and may lead to negate results in the operator work. This is especially important in such activities as driving. It is known that the ability to work in a monotonic state depends on the type of nervous system, temperament and other individual characteristics of the operator. Thus, men and women should have different ways to undergo monotony state, what have been studied in our work. It was conduct 10 experiments with 10 volunteers: 5 men and 5 women. To provide volunteers weariness in monotonous conditions there was used the driver simulator work during 90 min in our experiments. To estimate the volunteer functional state we conduct EEG-recording with eyes closed and eyes opened, ECG-recording and complicated visual-motoric test before and after driver simulator work. We compare "before" and "after" results by such nonparametric statistical methods as Mann-Whitney criterion. The EEG-recording processed by spectrum analysis and nonlinear analysis. The pulse rate, RR-intervals standard deviation, the exertion index of cardiovascular system and the response time, response time standard deviation, maximum and minimum response time of visual-motoric test were analyzed. The results of EEG analysis showed that the man-s reactivity of the alpha-rhythm in opening the eyes is higher than women-s. Cardiovascular system of men endures greater stress than women-s in time of monotonic activity. Complicated visual-motoric test has shown that women-s motor reaction became worse after working on driving simulator, but man-s reaction remained unchanged. There are differences of functional state of men and women under the influence of monotonous work and it re-quires careful consideration and further investigation.
Pages: 26-33
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