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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Biochemical Methods in Evaluation of Saliva Adaptatsiionnyh Effects Trainer Sporsmenov-Paratroopers
E.V. Malysheva, A.V. Gulin, K.I. Zasjadko
In the medical monitoring of the health professionals working flight becomes necessary to study psychophysiological reserves, reflecting the level of preparedness of pilots to the profession. Application of biological methods for evaluating the functional status of pilots in flight significantly hindered by the impossibility of collecting blood from a vein and finger. This necessitates the study of other biological fluids and the development of bloodless techniques in terms of reality. Saliva is one of the most important alternatives to blood analysis. Objective: to study the effectiveness of using biochemical indicators of salivary fluid to estimate the threshold of compensatory mechanisms, prediction of their stability and determination of rational work and rest. The program of study involved 101 athlete-paratrooper at the age of 16 to 30 years old with no experience of flying. Conducted four series of studies - before and after 1, 2, 3 and 4 parachute. The studies assessed the effect of emotional stress and physical load on the functional state of the skydiver as a result of the training process according to the study of biochemical parameters of saliva. In previous studies we undertook the determination of salivary fluid, sodium, potassium, glucose and cortisol, a study of the physiological and mental status, which allowed us to estimate the severity of a state of tension of the flight of labor in real life. In the study of the flight of specialties was obtained three types of hemodynamic, biochemical and psychological parameters. The data obtained suggest that type I dynamics reflects the state of low intensity with a corresponding character of, II type of dynamics of biochemical parameters, in our opinion, reflects the state of moderate intensity, while the activity is malonapryazhenny character, III type of dynamics is a strong indicator of the tensions in the process related activities. Number of paratroopers in the saliva that are fixed in sodium, potassium, cortisol and glucose, which reflects the dynamics of type I (low intensity) tends to increase with a jump of 4 leap. Number of paratroopers in the saliva that are fixed in sodium, potassium, cortisol and glucose, which reflects the dynamics of type II (low voltage) tends to decrease with a jump of 4 leap. Number of paratroopers in the saliva that are fixed in sodium, potassium, cortisol and glucose, which reflects the dynamics of type III (severe tension) tends to decrease from 1 to 4 jump. Thus, the results of our studies of the biochemical status of the paratroopers before and after jumping up to 4 flight change, we have concluded that the most pronounced changes in biochemical indicators of status are registered by paratroopers after a jump. After a 4 jump biochemical indicators provide a picture of adequate adaptation effects of negative factors of flight activity. Conclusion: The dynamics of biochemical parameters of saliva paratroopers during four flight shifts, we concluded that the repeated action of extreme factors contributes to the stability of the organism. Adaptation effects of systematic training regimen of adverse factors clearly expressed not only in raising them stability, but also in physiological and psychological reactions, optimizing the type of a number of systems. The study of adaptation mechanisms will provide insight on the mechanisms of resistance and to determine the regime of regulation of professional work of pilots.
Pages: 16-20
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