350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Information Technologies in Research of the Nervous System-s Lability of the Computers Operator
I.V. Petukhov
Increased reliability and performance of human-machine systems (HMS) is an important undertaking. Especially important is the improvement of the coherence of the person with the technical system, particularly in the information aspect. This article aims to develop new approaches to the study of operators of HMS. In the operation of HMS, the discovery of randomly appearing visual signals occupies an important position. The dynamic characteristics of the perception of visual signals are determined by the inertia of the visual system and the characteristics of the human nervous system. This paper shows the development of a method for determining the lability, which is one of the basic properties of the nervous system, and shows the dynamics of its functional changes. The method of assessing lability is based on showing paired light pulses repeated at fixed intervals. The method for determining the lability is described. According to experimental data lability of the visual system is in the range of 11.1 to 24.6 Hz. Lability of the visual system is a diagnostic parameter of visual fatigue. The results of this study can be used to create modern systems of computer vision, human-centred display and human-machine interfaces.
Pages: 10-15
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