350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Possibility of Real 3D-Images Construction in IR Thermovision
G.N. Zmievskoy, E.A. Zilov, C.S. Kartashova
Medical thermovision during the development has reached considerable successes, but nevertheless till now has not received universal introduction in medical diagnostics because of being insufficient informative technique for received IR images. Appreciably it is caused by that accepted IR radiation is let out by thin blankets of bio-object in view of strong absorption by bio-tissues of radiation of usually used ranges 3-5 microns and 8-14 microns. If to concentrate reception of radiation in the range of 2-2,5 microns it is possible to increase real depth of reception own IR radiation of bio-object to 2 mm. For this purpose it's necessary to use the high-sensitive photo detector based on quantum-holes hetero-structures, special optic-mechanic unit with vary-focal objective and appropriate software for real 3D image constructing based on optical tomography technique. Lay information could be supplied from 0,1 mm lays to the approximately 2 mm depth. Thus it's possible to increase real depth of reception own IR radiation of bio-object to 2 mm and to realize construction 3D IR thermo vision images.
Pages: 54-59
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