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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Synchronisation of Oscillations of Live Objects
A. V. Harlanov
At an irradiation electromagnetic waves of live organisms, the greatest influence appears on electric signals which can arise in plants in reply to external influences. By means of the special sensitive technics at the higher plants microrhythms have been registered, which have very small amplitude (do not exceed the tenth shares a millivolt), the period of an order of seconds and have irregular character. The nature of microrhythms remains not clear, however it is possible to assume that they arise in some analogues of the oscillator. External influence by electromagnetic waves can be considered, how the variable power supply connected in a chain of the generator. The signal from a source is characterised by amplitude (pressure) and frequency. Accordingly, this signal can influence generator oscillations. Thus, it is possible to consider influence of electromagnetic waves on electric oscillations as synchronisation of oscillations of the oscillator by a weak external signal. As show calculations, synchronisation is possible even at an irradiation an electromagnetic wave intensity less a milliwatt on square centimetre. As the strong signal can force to oscillate system with any frequency and amplitude it is necessary to give preference to a weak signal, at synchronisation oscillations with natural characteristics can arise which in organisms.
Pages: 54-59
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