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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Bicarbonate Aqueous Solutions Activated with Hydrogen Peroxide are Long-Term Sources of Low Level Photon Emission ensitive to Weak and Ultraweak Factors
Do Minh Ha, O.G. Mukhitova, N.D. Vilenskaya, S.I. Malishenko, V.L. Voeikov
Addition of hydrogen peroxide (0,005-0,01%) to bicarbonate aqueous solutions (1-5 mM) initiates red/ox processes in them accompanied with generation of energy of electronic excitation. In the presence of chemiluminescence enhancer luminol, they emit photons that, and retain this property for many months in tightly closed test tubes or sealed glass ampoules more than a year even if they are kept in complete darkness. Injection of hydrogen peroxide into phosphate or borate buffers or into distilled water with the same pH values as bicarbonate solutions also initiates luminol-dependent photon emission from them but unlike bicarbonate solutions this emission completely fades within several hours or days. Circadian rhythms of oscillations are observed that partially correlate with ambient temperature variations. An effect of cosmo-physical factors on photon emission intensity was also observed. In particular during the full Lunar eclipse in Moscow, photon emission intensity from bicarbonate solution that was activated with hydrogen peroxide more then 2 months before the event increased 2-3-fold and returned to the level preceding the eclipse only 2 days after the eclipse beginning. Hydrated fullerenes C60 that are known to possess high biological activity in low and ultra-low doses significantly affected photon emission intensity of active bicarbonate solutions. Dose-response relationships for the action of hydrated fullerenes was paradoxical. Hydrated fullerenes significantly intensified photon emission and stabilized it against fading in concentration ranges of 10-12-10-15 and 10-19-10-20 M while intermediate concentrations either did not influence or even attenuated photon emission from the solutions. Structure-energetic state of aqueous milieu of bicarbonate solutions is discussed in the relation to the extremely long-term auto-generation of high density energy in them. We speculate that hydrogen peroxide initiates looped chain reactions in bicarbonate solutions in which all the participants of the process - carbonates, water, and hydrogen peroxide serve at different stages of the process as substrates, catalysts, and the products able to regenerate back into substrates. Bicarbonate solutions in which cyclic chain reactions with are initiated gain low density energy from their environment and transform it into high density energy thet is partially released in the form of photons. Thus they behave as a step-up transformers and being in a permanent non-equilibrium start non-equilibrium state they possess high sensitivity to the action of low intensity factors.
Pages: 28-38
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