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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Use of Multivariate Data Analysis in the Investigation of Physical and Mechanical Characteristic of Biomineral Formation
V.V. Polyakov, G.G. Ustinov, E.V. Petrukhno
The actual problem of medicine is the development of new methods diagnostic and the treatment of dis-eases due to the emergence of pathology Biomineral formation in human body such as gallstones, urinary, salivary and prostate stones. For solution needing the investigations of structure, composition and physical and mechanical properties of that formations. At the same time revealed considerable difficults in analyzing the data. They are due to significant variation for various stones and for the structure element of the same stone. This necessitates the involvement of appropriate methods of processing and analyzing relevant data. The use of projection methods for multivariate data analyzing to identify patterns in the elemental composition and mechanical characteristics of stones was examined in the present study. The distribution of chemical elements in individual structure fields of biomineral formations obtained by scanning electron microscope was analyzed in the work. As characteristic of mechanical properties was measured micro hardness order to assess strength properties in the same local areas of stones. For analyzing and classification the results was involved principal component. This method allows us to select from an array of data experimental data obtained directly associated with the test properties. The results indicate that more efficiently in problems of this approach to identify regularities in the formation of physical and mechanical characteristics of gallstones, urinary, salivary and prostate stones. In particular, it was found that the analysis of these characteristics needs to separately consider the various structural formations of biomineral. The results can be used for medical diagnosis, as well as in selecting appropriate methods of treatment and prevention of the disease.
Pages: 37-41
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