350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Mechanism of Influence Electromagnetic Radiation of the Decimeter Range on Water Structure
V.F. Kovalenko, V.V. Glazkova, S.V. Shutov
It is investigated non thermal influences of cellular telephone radiation (GSM-Nokia 7260, ω =1800 MHz, in a conversation mode Р = 17 mkW/sm2) on the structural properties of water by means of measurements at scattering indicatrix I(θ) in the range of corners 4⁰ ≤ θ ≤ 60⁰ laser radiation (λ = 0,65 microns) at additive increase of the influence time in the range of 5 minutes ≤ tв ≤ 60 minutes. The form of clusters was defined by measuring the curves I(θ) at various directions of laser radiation falling on the water after preliminary orientation of their magnetic moments by a magnetic field ( ). Еlectromagnetic radiation(EMR) influence was displayed while measuring of the set of clusters and their concentration, sizes and forms of large (r > 0,9 microns) and super large (r > 4 microns) clusters, i.e. in water restructurization. The restructurization depends on the influence of the magnetic field EMR causing the cyclic clusters reorientation with the frequency 2ω stimulating the formation new clusters on one hand and on the other, destruction of the near - surface areas of super large and large clusters causing to diminishing their sizes and changing their forms. The obtained data allows to explain the mechanism of influence EMR on a human body considering the information factor of the interaction which consists of the fact that the nature of influence stimulates the type of structural properties of the water - the common component of all systems of the organism, corresponding to the given influence, i.e. the information of this influence is coded in concrete values of the structural parameters. According to the degree of restructurization intermolecular interactions, physical and chemical and biological properties of water change. If before the influence water in various systems of an organism had the structural conditions providing normal functioning of these systems, that, obviously, after the compelled restructurization their normal work will be broken that can lead to negative biological and psychological consequences.
Pages: 28-36
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