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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
A Heart Rate Variability Estimation Method and Interpretation at Definition of an Organism Functional Condition
A.A. Kuznetsov
The balance of influences parasympathetic and sympathetic departments of vegetative nervous system for heart work can determine an initial system «regulation - heart» normal condition, and balance infringement - convertible deviations from norm which, probably, can serve as parameters and the an organism general functional condition (OGFC). The purpose of work - check of an opportunity of a heart rate variability (HRV) estimation method for diagnostics and the forecast of the healthy person an organism general functional condition. It is spent 432 serial, groups and combined ECG registration at conditionally healthy 72 young people, state university students - 1 - 2 rates. An intimate rhythm variability parameters settlement values are shown in tables. For their analysis, including recommended norms of parameters sizes the heart rate variability estimation method is applied for healthy people. Alongside with the received analysis results of a student-s relative common functional condition the problem moments in the contents and application of a used method are revealed. It is shown, the method only allows to fix a level of a prevalence out heart influences on a rhythm above inter heart regulation in the form of deviations of parameters sizes from conditional norm. Concepts, a technique of definition and value of recommended norms on this or that group parameter are put under doubt. At realization of the common functional condition monitoring of the big group it is offered to investigate not set of statistically dependent parameters but their statistical interrelations with common argument - informational entropy of a heart rhythm storey diagram. Functional communications between HRV parameters and heart rhythm diagrams informational entropy in conditions of discrete seasonal adaptation exist in the form of «functional levels» of rhythm stationary modes qualities. The entropy production surplus size i appointed as OGFC parameter. Arrangement on OGFC levels will be carried out on the basis of the minimal surplus of entropy production in beat hearts, therefore the result - is formation «scales i» with a reference mark at i = 0.
Pages: 11-17
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