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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Method of Synthesis by Full-Connected Fractal-Category Model of the Dynamic Scheme of Functional Physiological System
U. P. Mukha
The full-connected fractal-category model of dynamic scheme of functional-physiological systems (FS) is a full portrait of measuring system in information-parametrical (portrait) space. It serves as the intermediate stage in procedure of synthesis of structure of the MS/NN, the class of the new measuring systems using neural networks (MS/NN) for definition of a condition of difficult systems formulated as the concept, including is functional-physiological systems (FS). The ideology of synthesis of MS/NN is based on use of system function SF, receptions homotopic transitions from space of behavior of observable system in space of measurements of measuring system, and also on fractals which are applied at construction of structure of system function. The correctness and universality of this ideology is shown. It is base for creation of a method of synthesis of MS/NN of the specialized appointment focused on observable system. Such measures are effective, as differ absence of redundancy that in the conditions of synthesis of difficult system (and it is obvious as always complexity of a problem of measurements demands adequate complexity of measuring apparatuses) are important circumstance. The first stage of algorithm of designing of MS/NN includes realization of procedure of topological stratification FS for the purpose of representation of all constant condition human body areas that allows to define typologically all elements of dynamic system and to establish hierarchical communications FS at formal level. It in turn gives the chance transition to topological cages for the image of hierarchical communications and formation of system functions as intermediate representation of the equations of measuring system. Topological formalism can be used for synthesis of the topological form of the dynamic scheme (DS) physiological object as the synthesis tool. DS is a geometrical image of behavior of the difficult nonlinear system, different a considerable quantity of independent parameters. DS there is a special form of multidimensional function of transfer of difficult system, and considered formalism allow to synthesize system function SF on topological spaces and to give its topological analogy for DS. Received category definition of the scheme of dynamic system FS, is finishing at formalization It serves as departure area in a category that is in the display translating a category in fractal-category the form the scheme of dynamic system of measuring system in Neural network-s element basis, adequate structure of object of measurements - some functional physiological system.
Pages: 62-68
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