350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Problem of Human Health Maintenance in Condition of Electromagnetic Field Exposure. Hygienic Standardization
hygienic standardization
electromagnetic field
specific absorption rate
occupational exposure
health risk
N.B. Rubtsova, Yu.P. Paltsev, L.V. Pokhodzey, S.Yu. Perov
The electromagnetic safety problem is connect with present electromagnetic field (EMF) sources number elevation, development and adoption of new technology for all frequency ranges, that lead to electromagnetic environment complication for occupational and general public. Potentially hazardous for human health EMF are: hypogeomagnetic field, static electric and magnetic fields, time varying electromagnetic fields in frequency range from > 0 Hz to 300 GHz.
Human health maintenance under occupational and general public EMF exposure is hygienic regulation. According to in-ternational guidelines, based on published scientific papers, range frequencies (up to 1 MHz) the electric and magnetic field strength are reference levels (in base of induced current density levels). For frequency range >1 MHz suggest that negative effects to human organism is connect not with current but with heating effects. In base of medical and biological studies have been determined the limits for specific abortion of heat loss - specific absorption rate (SAR) (basic restrictions). On high frequencies (up to 10 MHz) any parameter of plane wave reverence level: electric field strength, magnetic field strength or power density can be used.
In Russia in base of comprehensive hygienic, clinical, physiological and experimental studies dose approach, that allows EMF permissible limit values depended from exposure time determine, was substantiated. EMF permissible limit values are determines for discrete frequency ranges.
Russian and international approaches to EMF for frequencies of 300 MHz - 10 GHz evaluation and standardization harmonization new principle is suggested. It will allow to harmonize national and international EMF standards, as well as adequate evaluate EMF levels and SAR from real source.
Pages: 3-10
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