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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
About the Solution of the Impedansometry Inverse Problem for Estimation Liver-s Blood Flow
A.V. Kobelev, S.I. Schookin, V.E. Sinitsyn, E.V. Zaitseva, E. Matevossian, A. Schneider
The aim of this work is non-invasive estimation the tissues parameters from liver-s area, based on the impedansometry inverse problem solution.
It is possible to represent the liver-s area as a horizontal two-layer structure with the following parameters: the 1-st layer (upper-soft tissues) has height h1 and specific resistance ρ1; liver (the 2-nd layer) has specific resistance ρ2.
Estimate the biophysical model parameters as a result of two measurements (with different electrode systems) is the first step for analysis the liver-s resistivity ρ2. It reflects changes in liver-s blood flow, and in the future will allow determining the amount of blood per 100 g of liver tissue. We assume that the dynamics of changes of this magnitude will differentiate acute liver graft rejection from other pathologies.
Pages: 28-32