T.V. Istomina, V.V. Istomin, T.V. Karamysheva, V.I. Petrov
For a long time problem of the restoration of motor function was to use methods of physical therapy, physical therapy and prosthetics. The essence of the method of stabilography reduced to the estimation of biomechanical performance rights in the process of maintaining their vertical position. Retention of balance is the result of human interaction of vestibular and visual analyzers, joint and muscle proprioception, central and peripheral nervous system. Therefore, the coordination of the vertical position of the body serves as an indicator of the health status of functional development, physical fitness and level of sportsmanship. In order to improve the rehabilitation process of patients is evidence posturological multi-channel system. Versatile DB allow to integrate on its basis different diagnostic equipment and software profile assignment. The implementation of this approach in practice means that you can collect diagnostic complexes comprising multiple devices for different purposes. The system is designed to survey posturological patients at home using the stabilography techniques, EMG, ECG and EEG with a minimum of a doctor. The use of multi-channel system, in practice, makes available in one session surveys several techniques with synchronous processing and visualization of results. According to the research conclusions were drawn about broad prospects for the introduction into medical practice and research of multi-channel system for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of posturological patients.
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