350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Gastrointestinal Manometry with Medical Device «Gastroscan-D»

N.V. Karasikov, A.G. Mikheev, L.E. Mishulin, B.V. Rakitin, M.M. Trifonov, S.I. Schookin


It is now one of the main methods of diagnosis motility disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a multichannel intraluminal manometry using a water-perfusion catheters. Manometry is included in the international standards of diagnostics gastrointestinal, and a number of foreign firms producing equipment for this study. Scientific-Production Enterprise «Istok-Sistema» has developed and started the first domestic device for gastrointestinal manometry «Gastroscan-D,» which by its characteristics correspond to foreign analogues, used in medical practice. It is discussed the principle of operation and technical characteristics of the device. Main medical applications of the device «Gastroscan-D»: esophageal manometry, antroduodenal manometry, sphincter of Oddi manometry, colonic manometry, anorectal manometry and biofeedback therapy. This article describes the features of each of these studies. In health care organizations in all these directions are carried out research and treatment with the device «Gastroscan-D». The greatest progress has been made in the esophageal manometry. Already developed guidelines and handbook for postgraduate education.

Pages: 79-83
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