Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Method of Bio-Radiolocation Signal Breathing Patterns Classification Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Wavelet Analysis Application
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621.396.969

M.D. Alekhin, L.N. Anishchenko, A.V. Zhuravlev


One of the priority areas of sleep medicine nowadays is an examination of breathing malfunctions, which are character to many disorders of different types. Universally recognized standard of diagnostics in this field is supposed to be polysomnography. Results of such procedure give a very informative aspect of sleep dysfunctions but require a great amount of sensors and electrodes to be used. So application of new non-contact methods in somnology is an up-to-date scientific task. One of these approaches is bio-radiolocation technology, which gives an opportunity to carry out remote non-contact monitoring of patients breath disorders during sleep.

Early recognition and proper classification of apnea episodes are both very important stages in treatment strategy planning and opportune preventive measures taking. Application of artificial neural networks is considered to be an effective instrument in the tasks of classification of breathing patterns, recorded from abdominal and thoracic belt perimetric sensors. Multiresolution wavelet analysis is a perspective mathematical apparatus which is extremely needed in processing of non-stationery multicomponent signals with noise, which have high-frequency components of short duration and prolonged low-frequency components. Based on two mentioned approaches, a new method of bio-radiolocation signal breathing patterns classification was developed.

The proposed scheme of bio-radiolocation signal breathing patterns classification consists of three main parts. At first data preprocessing step for each signal quadrature fragment moving average filtering was performed and all the constant components were deleted. Then for selected breathing patterns attribute space was formed, based on utilization of series of absolute values of the third level wavelet decomposition detail coefficients of signal quadratures. A multilayer perceptron with a backpropogation training algorithm, one hidden layer and a bipolar sigmoid activation function of neurons was applied as a classifier.

For estimating of the proposed method efficiency a sample of 240 modeled bio-radiolocation signal realizations corresponding to three types of breathing patterns (obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea and normal calm sleeping) was used. The total classification accuracy came to the value of 92,5%% on a test sample. Thus, the proposed approach for bio-radiolocation signal breathing patterns classification turned out to be an efficient one and satisfies standard recommendations for sleep apnea syndrome diagnostics.

Pages: 57-64
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Date of receipt: 2 августа 2011 г.