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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Trans-Cranial Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Alcohol Dependence, Complicated with Psychoorganic Syndrome
Y.B. Barylnik, V.G. Lim, S.G. Shchetinin.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of trans-cranial electrical stimulation therapy (TES-theraphy) in the treatment of patients with alcohol dependence with psychoorganic syndrome in the postintoxicational period. In the study group there were 59 patients. The patients were divided into two groups. In the study group included 59 patients. Patients were divided into two groups. Before the psychometric examination and TES-therapy, all the patients had detoxification procedures, abstinence (withdrawal) syndrome was stopped for 3-5 days. The duration of TES-therapy procedures was 30 minutes and each patient had 10 daily sessions. During the treatment, the changes in the degree of pathological craving for alcohol (PCA) by the method of PCA quantitative assessment, the state of short-term memory, the severity of reactive and personal anxiety according to the test by Spielberger-Hanin, the emotional state according to the Depression Inventory questionnaire by Beck, the vegetative Kerdo Index were evaluated twice (at the beginning and the end of the therapy). The carried out TES-therapy led to a marked reduction in symptoms of pathological craving for alcohol. The positive effects of electrical stimulation on the emotional state were shown and it was manifested in a more significant personal anxiety (PA) decrease according to the text by Spielberger - Hanina, depression decrease according to the depression questionnaire by Beck and Kerdo index decrease in comparison with the control group. The patients from the main group increased test performance for short-term auditory memory. Less visible, but it was a reliable decrease in reactive anxiety (RA) and the improvement of operational visual memory in patients after the TES therapy in comparison with the control group. Achieved by the application of TPS-therapy regression of pathological craving for alcohol, the improvement of cognitive and emotional states demonstrate the effectiveness of this method in the treatment of alcohol-dependent patients with psychoorganic syndrome in the postintoxicational period.
Pages: 67-70
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