350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Seasonal Peculiarities of Efficiency of EHF-Therapy in Patients with Non-Stable Angina Pectoris
S.S. Parshina
Basic physiological and pathophysiological processes in human organism depends of multiple seasonal biorhythms. There was studied seasonal efficiency of electromagnetic radiation of millimetre range (EHF-therapy) in 85 pa-tients with non-stable angina pectoris (NSAP) on a background of standard medicines (the basic group). The control group consist of 75 patients with NSAP only medicated with aspirin, β-adrenoblockers, nitrates etc. Efficiency analysis, depending on a season of the year, was carried out for each group, and afterwards therapy results was collated in basic and control groups (depending on a season of the year, as well). We did not reveal any influence of the drug therapy (in the control group) on the haemocoagulation and haemorheological properties in no season. Contrariwise, EHF-therapy plussage in all seasons creates advantageous movement of haemocoagulation and haemorheological indicators (р<0,05). There were registered seasonal peculiarities of antianginal effect of EHF-therapy, peculiarities of influence on the state of system of haemostasis, rheological characteristics of blood. The sensitivity of haemocoagulation and haemorheological indicators to EHF-therapy in patients with NSAP has a seasonal relation. Haemocoagulation and haemorheological effects of EHF-therapy has a few season-dependent and season-independent mechanisms. Season-independent mechanism of EHF-therapy - influence includes the increase of anticoagulating activity of the vascular wall (р<0,05). Season-dependent mechanisms of EHF-therapy - influence are: in winter - reduction of blood viscosity (р<0,05); in spring/summer season - increase of heparin level (р<0,05), increase of endothelium function in blood-vessels (р<0,05); in autumn - increase of heparin level (р<0,05) and antithrombin-III activity (р<0,05), reduction of blood viscosity in blood-vessels of all diameters (р<0,05). Antianginal action of EHF-therapy carries seasonal-dependent character and is greatly expressed by winter. Rheo-protective and hypocoagulation effects of EHF-therapy are greatly expressed by autumn. In this way, the usage of EHF-therapy in complex therapy of patients with NSAP is advisable chronotherapeuti-cally and chronoprophylaxically.
Pages: 46-52
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