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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Opportunities of the EMR MMR Application at the Therapy of Different forms of Unstable Angina
T.V. Golovacheva, N.A. Glukchova, S.S. Parshina, T.N. Afanasjeva, M.V. Potapova, V.D. Petrova, T.M. Ushakova, T.I. Kaplanova
We analyzed effectiveness of treatment and the state of vascular endothelium of the patients with unstable angina (class A and B). There was used the cuff test to assess indicators of the vascular endothelium reactiveness. We applied the electromagnetic radiation millimetre range (λ=7,1) (EMR MMR) therapy in combination with standart medicines. We inspected 80 patients with unstable angina class II (A and B forms) and 20 practically healthy people. There was shown the increase of the effectiveness of treatment of the patients with unstable angina form B under the EMR MMR compared with a standard medicines group. It was expressed by reliable decrease of the number of ischemic attacks in a day, decrease of the need in nitroglycerine, total painful cardiac ischemia duration and average duration of an episode of silent ischemia as well. We observed an increase of anticoagulating activity of the vascular wall and a decrease of the blood viscosity after the cuff test at low rate of the shift in patients with the unstable angina form B, however, this parametres did not achieve the level of the healthy patients group. There was found the direct positive correlation of treatment effects under the EMR MMR influence with the level of the vascular wall anticoagulating activity. There was found the reliable decrease of ischemic attacks in a day and the use of nitroglycerine, and also an average duration of the episode of silent ischemia in patients with the unstable angina form A under EMR MMR therapy in comparison with the control. Thus, the application of the EMR MMR at unstable angina treatment leeds to an increase of the anti - anging therapy accompanied by the improvement of the blood vessel functional activity parametres.
Pages: 40-45
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