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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Dynamics of Blood Oxygenation in Experimental Animals Exposed to Terahertz Waves at Frequencies of Nitric Oxide in Stress
A.A. Tsymbal, V.F. Kirichuk, O.N. Antipova, E.V. Andronov, A.P. Krenitsky
Inadequate level of provision of oxygen (hypoxia) is one of the most common states of the organism. Almost any extreme condition of the body and any disease process directly or indirectly related to the violation of the oxygen supply of the organism. Moreover, often caused by hypoxia and its metabolic disorders are the leading pathogenetic factors of a number of serious complications in extreme states of various genesis.
Therefore, correction of blood gas composition, in particular the level of blood oxygenation is pathogenetically substantiated.
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of terahertz waves at frequencies of molecular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide 150,176-150,664 GHz poststressornye changes of blood oxygenation in albino rats.
Studied blood samples from 84 white mongrel male rats weighing 180-220 g. As the model simulating disturbances of blood gas composition, applied immobilization stress.
Irradiation of animals was carried out by electromagnetic waves at frequencies of nitric oxide 150,176-150,664 GHz using the apparatus "EHF-orbita, on skin with an area of 3 cm above the xiphoid process of sternum area. Ir-radiator at a distance of 1.5 cm above the animal's body. Radiation power of a device-0 7mVt, and power density incident on the skin area of 3 cm was 0.2 mW/cm2.
The level of blood oxygenation investigated by the analyzer blood gas composition Rapidlab 348 (firm Bayer diagnostics, USA).
The rats are in a state of acute immobilization stress, detected changes in blood gas composition. This is reflected in statistically significant, compared with the control group, a decrease in oxygen tension. The rats are in a state of prolonged stress, revealed more pronounced statistically significant changes in blood gas composition, which is manifested in a significant drop in oxygen tension.
Impact of terahertz radiation at frequencies of nitric oxide 150,176-150,664 GHz at least 15 minutes for male rats in a state of acute immobilization stress, causes a partial normalization of blood gas composition. This is manifested in a tendency to increase the oxygen content in the blood.
The impact of radiation given within 15 minutes of male rats in a state of prolonged immobilization stress revealed no statistically significant differences in the level of oxygen tension.
When exposed to terahertz radiation at frequencies of nitric oxide within 30 minutes of male rats in a state of both acute and long-term immobilization stress, there is complete normalization of impaired blood gas composition. In this study blood oxygenation index did not significantly differ from those of the control group. It should be noted that oxygen tension in the blood after 30 minutes of exposure terahertz waves at frequencies of nitric oxide in irradiated rats is slightly higher than in the control group.
The experimental data suggest the possibility of using this type of radiation for the correction of blood gas composition, resulting in a number of pathological conditions.
Pages: 36-39
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