350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Restoration of the Main Indicators of the Metabolic Status of Terahertz Waves at Frequencies of Nitric Oxide 150.176...150.664 GHz in the Experiment
A.A. Tsymbal, V.F. Kirichuk, A.P. Krenitsky, O.V. Betsky
Stress reaction - this is a generalized reaction. In this regard, particularly in its formation play an important role interconnections, primarily realized between the nervous, humoral and visceral systems of the body. In cases where the physiological response assumes the character of stress, among the earliest signs of this transi-tion are changes in autonomic components. In this case, the main indicators of the metabolic status of becoming a significant importance for the diagnosis of acute and chronic stress. In this regard, the objective of this study was to examine the influence of terahertz waves at frequencies of mole-cular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide 150,176-150,664 GHz poststressornye changes in metabolic status of male rats. Studied blood samples from 60 white mongrel male rats weighing 180-220. As a model to simulate disturbances of the metabolic status of the white male rats, used a long immobilization stress - fixation of rats on their backs for 3 hours, daily, for 5 days. Biochemical studies of the main characteristics of the metabolic status, in particular, lipid and carbohydrate meta-bolism, indicators of exchange of nitrogen compounds, transaminases and lactate dehydrogenase were carried out on an automatic biochemical analyzer Vitalab Flexor «E» (Vital Scientific, The Netherlands). Daily for 5 days of exposure xiphoid process of sternum of animals in a state of chronic immobilization stress, was carried by electromagnetic waves at terahertz frequencies of molecular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide 150,176-150,664 GHz at a power density - 0.2 mW/cm2, prescribed apparatus "EHF - Orbita." Exposure to terahertz radiation at frequencies of nitric oxide 150,176-150,664 GHz to 5 minutes per animal in a state of prolonged stress, not cause statistically significant changes of indices of metabolic status. That daily for 5 days exposure to the stress of electromagnetic terahertz waves at frequencies of nitric oxide 150,176-150,664 GHz to 15 minutes, there is partial, but more pronounced than in the daily 5 - minute exposure mode, the normalization of metabolic status, as statistically restored only triglyceride levels, whereas all other investigated metabolic parameters was significantly different from the control group. With daily for 5 days, the application of terahertz radiation at the frequencies of molecular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide 150,176-150,664 GHz to 30 minutes there is complete recovery of all parameters, characterizing the metabolic activity of the internal environment of an organism.
Pages: 30-35
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