350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Correction of Breaked Functional Activity of Platelet Glycoproteid Receptors with Electromagnetic Waves at the Nitric Oxide Frequency in White Male Rats in the State of Acute Stress
V.F. Kirichuk, S.V. Svistunov, A.N. Ivanov, E.V. Andronov, O.N. Antipova, A.P. Krenickiy
The aim of suggested study was to investigate the influence of electromagnetic irradiation with therahertz waves at the nitric oxide frequency on disturbed properties of carbohydrate component and functional activity of glycoproteid receptors of red blood cells in white rats in the state of acute immobilization stress. The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz range frequencies of molecular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide 150.176 - 150.664 GHz for the restoration of the impaired carbohydrate component and functional activity glikoproteidnyh receptors of erythrocytes of white rats in a state of acute immobilization stress. Shown that exposure to electromagnetic waves at these frequencies is the normalization of the increased content of -D-galactose in the carbohydrate component and the restoration of the impaired activity of the receptors glikoproteidnyh erythrocytes. Irradiation with therahertz waves on frequencies of molecular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide 150.176 - 150.664 GHz of white male rats at the state of acute immobilization stress causes decrease in concentration of cateholamines and glucocorticoids. Suggested data show the importance of therahertz waves on frequencies of molecular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide 150.176 - 150.664 GHz on functional activity of red blood cells and glycoproteid activity of specialized receptors in white male rats. Changes in this balance of inflamatory mediators are responsible for normalization influence of aggregation activity of red blood cells.
Pages: 25-29
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