350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Nature of Fluctuations Own Electromagnetic Radiation of the Brain
V.S. Kublanov, Ju.E. Sedelnikov, A.L. Azin, A.M. Syskov
Although the hypothesis about parametrical modulation of own physical fields of the person by biochemical and biophysical processes in it is formulated by academician Ju.V. Guljaev and E.E. Godik year in 80th years of last century the problem of identification of these processes by methods microwave radiotermography has till now no demonstrative decisions. The reason of it is that electromagnetic radiation Тя, generally, depends on two parametres: from dielectric permeability  of the biological tissues which determine changes in them of factor of absorption æ() electromagnetic radiation, and from the thermodynamic temperature T of tissues determined by thermodynamic processes proceeding in them Тя = æ()Т. In work analyzes the conditions under which changes of electromagnetic radiation brain is mainly determined by one of these parameters. In this case, it is possible to identify the spectrum of fluctuations of the electromagnetic radiation of its own metabolic and humoral processes in the brain tissue. The evidence base is based on an analysis of the results of a phenomenological model of formation of radiation in a multilayer structure consisting of skin, bone, cerebrospinal fluid, soft, vascular brain cover, the gray and white matter of the brain and processes of formation of the thermodynamic processes. In the brain tissue, situated at a depth of more than 10 mm (part of the gray matter and white matter), changes in heat flow and temperature of the arterial blood practically does not cause in them changes of thermodynamic temperature, electromagnetic radiation generated in these structures are mainly determined by changes in their dielectric constant . The simulation results verified the experimental data obtained with the help of radiophysical apparatus MRTRS with a functional load tests, activating metabolic processes (glucose test) and offset filtering and adsorption balance in the capillaries in the direction of increasing the degree of hydration of the intercellular spaces, i.e. formation of physiological brain edema (antiorthostatic test). In work shown that the spectrum of fluctuations of own electromagnetic radiation of a brain in a band of frequencies from 650 to 850 MHz can be interpreted as change of certain physical constants and physiological mechanisms: in a range of frequencies from 0,15 to 0,025 Hz these fluctuations mainly reflect changes of dielectric permeability or dynamics of fluid transport in the intercellular and intracellular spaces of the brain tissue, and in the field of frequencies less than 0,025 Hz - thermodynamic changes in them which are a consequence of metabolic processes.
Pages: 45-54
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