350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
IR-Visualization of Human Skin and Veins
I.A. Tikhonov, I.N. Spiridonov
The most actual trends of up-to-date medical and biological technologies are development and adoption of con-tactless and informative diagnostic methods. Methods of optical soft tissues and skin visualization are of interest to determine affected areas and early detection of bloodstream vessels diseases and parameters of bloodstream structure estimation. Currently the soft tissue and skin visualization is used for solving wide range of medical and biological problems such as screening tests of varicose veins, detection and structure analysis of hypodermic haematoma, intravenous injection of medication, biometric identification. But use of IR-visualization is embarrassed by the fact that there are neither formal bloodstream structure parame-ters nor formal requirements to exploratory radiation. On basis of literary sources there was established that the numerical morphological vessels dates are mean diame-ter of vessel near abnormal arias, specific length of vessels, number of abnormal arias on image, meander factor of vessel, hydrodynamic resistance of vessel, density of vessels and angels of bifurcation. Morphological parameters of vessels can be estimated using the model of vessels structure based on vessels graph and characteristic points. Empirical researches shows that probability of recognition of characteristic points depends on raw image contrast. The more contrast value the more probability of recognition. But contrast value depends on wave length of exploratory radiation. To determine wave length on which contrast value tend to maximum there was developed model of image capturing based on Monte-Carlo simulation technique. Using this model and empirical dates there was shown that to capture
Pages: 26-32
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