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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The dc-SQUID-Based Magnetocardiographic Systems for Clinical Applications
Yu.V. Gulyaev, Yu.V. Maslennikov, М.A. Primin, V.Yu. Slobodchikov, V.V. Khanin, V.A. Krymov, I.V. Nedayvoda, А.V. Vasnev
Magnetocardiographic (MCG) systems for detection and analysis of the heart magnetic fields are developed, constructed and tested. Systems include multi-channel LTS-dc-SQUID-based measuring modules and the package of original programs for MCG-data collection and analysis. The total noise level of about 20-40 fT/√Hz was measured and required «signal-to-noise» ratio was obtained during the registration of magnetocardiosignals. Developed 7- and 9-channel MCG-systems were tested in an unshielded environment of real clinics of Moscow city and demonstrated stable and reliable operation. One hundred fifty-one subjects including healthy volunteers, patients with coronary artery disease, myocarditis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were subjected to MCG examination at clinical conditions. The number of MCG parameters specific for every group was determined. The sensitivity and specificity of these parameters were 8597% and 8095%, respectively. MCG method showed its high sensitivity and specificity for assessment of phenotypic expression in healthy subjects and patients with cardiovascular diseases. MCG method gives a novel approach to assessment of local as well as global functional and pathological states in the intact heart thus offering great opportunities in assessment of the mode of interaction between compartments of the systemic circulation on a real time basis.
Pages: 5-8
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