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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Requirements to Messages about a Metrological and Technical Condition the Test and Inspection Equipment in the Course of Manufacture of Electronic Equipment of Medical Appointment
V.A. Antipov, R.E. Guzenko
Generation of messages by the inspection and test equipment about the technical and metrological condition will allow to react in time to refusal and to prevent use of the faulty equipment at quality assurance of let out electronic devices. The offered method information integration in the domain of the control and diagnostics on the basis of МОМ, will allow to carry out exchange XML of messages which should include the corresponding information. For this purpose it is necessary to solve following problems. To develop the model of conditions describing behaviour of the test and inspection equipment, covering important information which can be used for tracking use of the kontrolno-diagnostic equipment and its suitability to quality assurance of let out products. To define the basic information objects, their relations and to develop a metamodel of messages (XML the scheme) about an equipment condition. For working out of model of conditions it is necessary. To define base conditions and to create the diagramme of conditions, applicable to the inspection and test equipment. To minimise number of conditions. Each condition should have great value for monitoring process behind the in-spection and test equipment. To define the events causing transitions of conditions. To develop model, using diagrammes of conditions Harel. Let's consider, that the model is set, if are defined: the diagramme of conditions; the table of transitions; the events causing transitions of conditions. The equipment making VIISKD, should trace own conditions. All conditions mutually exclusive. Each event trans-lates the equipment in one and only one condition. The most typical conditions and their transitions are defined by the events connected by interaction of the equip-ment with an environment (objects of the control and diagnostics, the operator, "owner", the adjacent equipment) and internal processes (failure, metrological refusal, catastrophic refusal). In all cases the equipment should send the corresponding message.
Pages: 60-64
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