350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of ECG Recorders Using the Capturing Oscilloscope Pattern
A.P. Kazantsev, E.M. Proshin
Model driven system engineering technology proved to be prospective in the field of biomedical instrumentation development and production. The three levels of a product modeling are conceptually significant: the domain model, the use case model, and the logical model. The modeling of design patterns appears to be the development activity of great importance. The domain analysis of electrocardiography systems leads to the context diagram of a data acquisition pattern. The diagram represents the abstractions of the actors, the classes, and the associations of the domain. The second level model reflects the recording and the playback use cases of an abstract system for signal observation. The models allows for variation of system requirements and modes of operation - real time signal input, recording, output, playback, and other activity. The logical model of an abstract recording oscilloscope system - the Capturing Oscilloscope design pattern - is obtained at the third level. Its functionality is reduced to manipulation of the signals represented as vector series, which are being displayed and recorded in real time. The conceptual class diagram of the pattern and its sequence diagram based on cooperation of six active classes are suggested. The pattern is designed for development of various types of diagnostic signal recorders as well as analyzers and monitors including Holter, etc. The realization is provided for based upon the model-driven architecture (MDA), which allows getting platform independent solutions and implementation of fast and robust migration between software and hardware platforms.
Pages: 48-53
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