350 rub

Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Approaches to Probe of the Disk of the Optic Nerve as Parameter of Originating of the Glaucoma
R.V. Kostin, M.V. Lenkov
One of the most widespread pathologies of the visual analyzer of the person is the glaucoma is the chronic disease of eyes leading to irreversible loss of visual functions. However the latent forms of development of a glaucoma complicate search of effective methods and techniques of revealing of the given pathology. The analysis of the pathological infringements arising at a glaucoma, shows that the given disease becomes the reason of occurrence of some others which are accompanied by increase of intraocular pressure, mode change recirculation an intraocular liquid, and also an optic nerve atrophy. Along with diagnostics of the given infringements, one of decisions of such problematics studying of nervous structures, as most effective and adequate indicator for glaucoma revealing is.
In modern medicine for research of nervous structures allocate the methods based on reception of quality standards. One of such methods is the method scanning laser polarimetry. This method is the most adequate and consists that the layer of nervous fibres of a retina is a visual structure at the eye bottom, possessing polarising properties.
Pages: 44-47
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