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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Prospects of Development of Hardware Glaucoma Diagnostics
M.V. Lenkov, R.V. Kostin
The visual touch system takes the extremely important place in ability to live of any person. The device of the visual device extremely exact both as much as possible structured system and any deviation of physical parametres of one of its compound parts, whether it be a crystalline lens, a cornea, an optic nerve disk, etc., can lead to development of various diseases which, in turn, can result and in sight loss. One of the most widespread pathologies of the visual analyzer of the person is the glaucoma is the chronic disease of eyes leading to irreversible loss of visual functions. The analysis of the pathological infringements arising at a glaucoma, shows that the given disease becomes the reason of occurrence of some others which are accompanied by increase of intraocular pressure, mode change recirculation an intraocular liquid, and also an optic nerve atrophy. Therefore an actual problem is definition of level of intraocular pressure, as most effective indicator for revealing of a glaucoma and its derivatives at the person.
In modern medicine for definition of level of intraocular pressure following methods are used:
1. Measurement of intraocular pressure - tonometry, elastictonometry;
2. Research of indicators of outflow of an intraocular liquid - tonography;
3. Research of a condition of a disk of an optic nerve;
4. Estimation of a thickness of a layer of nervous fibers - the optical coherent tomography, a scanning laser polarimetry.
Pages: 39-43
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