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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Application of Bioengineering Feedback Wireless Sensors in Complex Magnetotherapy Systems
bioengineering feedback
medical sensors
medical device standards
ISO/IEEE 11073
Bluetooth Health Device Profile
A.V. Shulyakov
Bioengineering Feedback sensors are used in complex magnetotherapy systems for diagnostic patient vital parameters, time history of them, and for therapy influence correction during treatment depend on getting data. It let improve treatment efficiency
In most cases these sensors have to be fixed on the patient body during treatment. Data communication wireless technology is at an advantage because there are no need for patient to be "enmeshed" in wires, and using the therapeutic apparatus becomes more convenient.
As a conducting medium for wireless data communication there can be used photo and radio channels. Radio channel is widely spread for wireless data communication. There can be mark out different technologies for wire-less radio communication such as BlueTooth, ZigBee and so on.
Besides choosing of wireless technology it is need to provide data format agreement between transmitter and re-ceiver. It is defined by data transmitting protocol. For this reason since 2000 international organizations CEN, ISO and IEEE are publish a single set of standards, designated 11073, for point-of-care device communication under the general leadership of IEEE.
The ISO/IEEE 11073 Health Informatics - Point of Care Medical Device Communication standard defines a set of information objects and functions needed for medical device communication. Such a standard was developed to address the critical need of enabling medical devices to share physiologic data between devices and computerized healthcare information systems.
For Bluetooth communication on base of ISO/IEEE 11073 standard the Health Device Profile (HDP) was developed. This profile is used for connecting application data source devices such as blood pressure monitors, weight scales, glucose meters, thermometers, and pulse oximeters to application data sink devices such as mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers, and health appliances without the need for cables.
Although it is highly desirable that all the Bluetooth enabled health devices on the market make a quick transition to HDP, it will take time for products based upon the Serial Port Profile (SPP) profile to migrate fully to HDP. SPP is convenient because it is widely supported by existing Bluetooth protocol stacks, both on PC and mobile devices. The interface between the application processor and the module is typically vendor specific.
In the capacity of example of wireless data communication implementation the program of data registration and visualization getting from Bluetooth pulse oximeter Nonin Onyx II Model 9560 are described. This program was designed by the author of this article. The program connects with Bluetooth pulse oximeter by SPP Bluetooth profile in mode 2 that provides real-time oximetry measurements with compressed waveform (8 bit waveform) every 1/3rd of a second.
Pages: 13-19
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