350 rub

Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Probe of Gears of Photochemical Reactions of the Photoinitiator in Photopolymeric Compositions by Means of Effects of Chemical Polarization of Nuclears
photochemical transformation
the photoinitiator
a spectrometer nuclear magnetic resonance
chemical polarization of nucleus
V.I. Porkhun, A.V. Arshinov, B.I. Dorokhin, E.V. Porkhun
Research of the mechanism of photochemical transformations of the photoinitiators used in photocompositions, have the big applied value in pharmacology, biochemical technologies, organic synthesis. Basic of such photoinitiators has been considered. Phototransformation of a product under action of light of 365 nanometers consists in disintegration on reaction Norrish I.
Spectra of chemical polarization on nucleus of hydrogen and carbon 13С were registered on a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer TESLA-587A in a pulse mode. An irradiation of a reactionary mix spent continuous light of lamp ДРШ-500 directly in the gauge of the device. On the basis of the received results it is possible to draw a conclusion about photodissociation from the triplet-raised condition on α-carbon of communication according to reaction Norrish I as it is possible to explain observable effects of chemical polarization of nucleus formation triplet - geminal radical pair. At the analysis of signs on polarization of signals in spectra of chemical polarization of nucleus products photolysis benzyl-fenildioxiline reactions with participation benzyl and 4-phenyl-1,3-dioxilineof radicals are unequivocally revealed.
Pages: 71-75
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