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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Optimization of Technology Medical-Pedagogical Supervision at Training Cardiovascular Systems on Endurance
Yu.P. Mukha, V.I. Slugin
Questions of synthesis of a conditioned reflex of cardiovascular system on endurance, that is ability to maintain repeating (cyclic) loading are considered. Numerous researches have shown that at development of such reflex there are various changes at anatomic level, biochemical level, at biophysical level and various functional physiological systems are mentioned. Thus in system parameters it is expedient to consider frequency of warm reductions (FWR) and arterial pressure in shape average dynamic arterial pressure (ADP). Thus, technologically more all approaches system of trainings in the form of medical-pedagogical supervision (MPS) with dispensing of loadings and time of realization of loading. It is thus supervised FWR and ADP. Achievement of the purpose of trainings is fixed in the form of adequate conformity FWR and ADP during all training and at repeated repetition of training employment. Technological process MPS is very long and demands an individual approach. Optimization of technology MPS at the expense of its realization in the conditions of the greatest sensitivity of an organism to loadings is possible, that is at their as much as possible admissible intensity. In this case as function of achievement of the purpose dependence of kind ADP =f (FWR) on which the border between a zone of the greatest intensity loading and a zone of failure of adequacy ADP and FWR is fixed is offered. The algorithm of technology MPS optimized on time of achievement of a reflex of endurance is offered.
Pages: 57-65
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