350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of Category Model of Informative Streams of Bioinstrumental IMS at Hematological Measurings
metrological analysis
measuring procedure
haemopoiesis system
information streams
functional system
Yu.P. Mukha, V.U. Naumov
For carrying out of the metrological analysis it is necessary to define measuring procedure, to allocate information streams and operating influences at each stage of transformation of the measured values. Hematopoietic system the patient is inextricably linked with the process of hematological researches, as the result of its activities depends biosample, so it makes sense to talk about bio-instrumental information-measuring system. In bio- instrumental IMS primary converter multi-parameter input action on the organism itself is a biological object, while it contains a mathematical model of the object, based on the initial parameters of the biological model.
The work purpose is construction of mathematical model of the hematopoietic system and the definition in it of information streams and operating influences.
In analyzing the physiological model of hematopoietic system of the organism within the limits of the biocybernetic ap-proach of the theory of functional systems of Anokhina-Sudakova revealed a large number of deep backward linkages. Analytic representation of the model in such a quantity only obvious feedback, in principle, impossible, or else carried simplification, which will inevitably arise, lead to an inadequate mathematical representation.
To construct an adequate model requires the use of systems analysis: identification of the structure and relationships of par-ticipants and an indication of the type of interaction that in the theory of functional systems allow for a mathematical formalization of the physiological model. The revealed structure within the limits of the theory of categories and functors, f necessary, can be written analytically, however, the main objective of machine used formalize - correct representation of the structure and organization of their knowledge, providing simplicity and ease of understanding by researchers and users.
Definition of structure of information streams is the fundamental moment to the design process of information-measuring system as it sets structure of functional blocks and a direction of functional connections between them.
In turn, the chosen structure of information streams allows to define errors of representation of the information each block IMS block-structure interaction, to assess the adequacy of the entire measuring system, etc.
On the basis of the diagram of information streams it is possible to allocate further operating influences and use them for the synthesis of the measurement procedure for subsequent metrological analysis.
Pages: 38-42
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