350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Experimental Research of Influence of Low Intensity Microwave Radiation at the Infrared Spectral Characteristics of Wheat Grain
R.N. Nikulin, S.I. Nikolaev, I.O. Kulago, V.V. Gamaga, S.N. Rodionov, D.G. Artemova, M.P. Nikulina, I.E. Papikin, Luu Huyen Trang
The results of experimental research of influence of low intensity microwave radiation on wheat grain are presents. Experimental equipment that was using for irradiation consist of generator of high-frequency signals, connected to a horn antenna. This generator used in the mode of unmodulated oscillation. Two series experiments of influence of low intensity microwave radiation on the frequency between 9 to 16.5 GHz has carried with 0.5 GHz step and with duration 10 and 20 minutes, and also 10 minutes with 0.25 GHz step. Power flux density for the range of 8,9 - 12,05 GHz was 2.5 W/m2, and for the range 12,05 - 17,85 GHz 1 W/m2, which is below the threshold value for thermal influence of microwave radiation (100 W/m2). The spectrum of irradiated wheat grains carried out on infrared analyzer InfraLYuM FT-10. When the spectra of samples obtained they was analyzing by using the chemometric processing of spectral data "Parcel". Founded, that the spectra of samples of wheat in the infrared-field are representing the result of influence of low intensity microwave radiation, that in 40 - 100 times less than the threshold value for thermal influence of micro-wave radiation in this range. This fact is indicating the presence of the effects of weak interactions. The results of calculations for samples treated with 10 and 20 min are showing that that if a sample taking more energy under the influence, the observable effect remains for longer time. That can be the evidence of the exis-tence in a biological object some mechanism for storing received during the irradiation energy and its subsequent dispersion within a certain period of time, many times exceeding the duration of irradiation. In the same time, influence of low intensity microwave radiation on the frequency between 9 to 16.5 GHz rendering no negative influence on the rate of germination of wheat grains.
Pages: 16-21
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