350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Mekhanotherapy Devices for Rehabilitation after Traumas
А. F. Bobrikhin, N.G. Goncharov, A.G. Gudkov, А.Е. Devis, V.Y. Leushin, N.G. Nazarov, D.I. Tzyganov
Articulations of the lower limbs injury leads to restriction of their movement in most cases. Extremities im-mobilization using an external holder is considered the compulsory component of treatment till recently, that leads to forming of contracture (restriction of movement) and muscular atrophy. Modern high-technology treatment modes of musculoskeletal system (arthroscopy, replacement arthroplasty and others) are changed doctors - views on restorative process of extremities. They allow to begin restorative process after an surgical operation of articulation at once. The device is designed for conducting treatment procedures: - at treatment and restoration after fracture; - at treatment of all kinds athrotomy, arthritis, podagras and after restorative surgeries; - at chondromas, tumors and traumas of ligaments; - for amelioration of persons with musculoskeletal system limitation. Specification carriage movement rate 0.5-2cm/sec; carriage movement range 0-110degree; pause in ultimate positions 0-60sec; supply voltage 12 V; power consumption 50W; overall dimensions (1022х350х648)mm; weight 30kg. Linear scale with 40 controlled illuminated elements is indicator which displays carriage movement visually with accuracy ~3°. The device can be set into initial position, has side-mounted button for urgent stop. The device is completed with remote power supply unit, which operates with 220 V, 50 Hz. It is protected by the Russian Federation patent.
Pages: 58-62
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