350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Approach to Creation of Expert Group as to a Problem of Discrete Optimisation
E.A. Burkov, P.I. Paderno
In many areas of human activity, including medicine, there is a need for decision making in the conditions of the incomplete or inexact information. To support such decisions widely used methods of group expert estimation. Organizers of expertise create the expert group which members analyze a problem and offer variants of its deci-sion. The reliability of the results of the expertise depends on the competence of experts included in the expert group. Therefore the problem of selection of experts is extremely important. It is necessary that total competence of members of expert group was as much as possible, taking into account the limited quantity of the money re-sources allocated for payment of their work. Then it is possible to present the problem of creation of the expert
Pages: 48-51
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