350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical Model of Passive Mechanisms of Regulation of Respiratory System of the Organism
Т. V. Matyushev
The purpose of researches presented to article was the substantiation and working out of mathematical model of passive mechanisms of regulation of respiratory system of an organism. For achievement of an object in view it was necessary for us to put and solve following problems: 1. To prove base structure of model of respiratory system of the person. 2. To make the formalized description of external breath reflecting physical and physiological features of heterogeneity ventiljatsionno- perfuzionnyh relations in lungs. 3. To make the formalized description of internal gas exchange of an organism including the general laws defining gas structure and acid-alkali condition of blood. The developed model represents a complex of models of the interconnected physiological systems, including models of lungs, venous, arterial and fabric sites of a vascular channel of a human body. The mathematical model of lungs included following sites: effective alveolar volume, capillaries of lungs, arteries of lungs, the alveolar pulmonary shunt and veins of lungs. The developed description of model allows investigating as processes of internal gas exchange of an organism taking into account features of carrying over of gases blood, and external breath of gas exchange reflecting physical feature in lungs.
Pages: 26-33
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