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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Some Problems in Medical-Evacuation of the Population in Emergency Situations
N.A. Sadykova
The potential threat of an emergency (E), involving new human victims, damage to human health or the environment, raises the question of enhancing the effectiveness of disaster management. One of the main objectives of these activities is the provision of medical evacuation (MES) of the population in Emergencies, conducted in two phases: pre-hospital (directly in the zone of E) and hospital (outside of E, in-patient facilities). In conducting MES there are certain problems and difficulties. Given the disaster relief of panic, chaos, mess and fuss, you can expect to see numerous errors and miscalculations in the actions of medical personnel and, consequently, reducing the effectiveness of medical care and increasing the number of victims. Aggravating factor in this is the unpreparedness of most of the staff to provide medical assistance in such extreme conditions. Moreover, the error allowed on the first (pre-hospital) phase determines the fate of the survivors, the effectiveness of therapeutic measures, severe complications in the second phase, with fatality rates in the hearth of emergencies. It is very important in this situation to solve the problem of the human factor. Need improvement and further development of pre-hospital phase, as the most important defining management throughout the system of modern MES. One approach to solving the existing problems can be a deletion of the human factor during the treatment and evacuation activities by automating the activities of medical personnel.
Pages: 69-72
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