350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Choice of the Registration Method of the Feet-Image at the Plantopodography Examination with the Help of Biomechanical Tests
A.S. Vedenina, L. M. Smirnova
Podometry and plantography is a method of feet-deformations estimation widespread in practice of orthopedy and sports medicine. The purpose of this article is the offer of biomechanical tests to assess feet condition and the substantiation of registration method choice of feet-images for increase of plantopodography diagnostics accuracy. The plantopodography opportunities can be expanded by means of various loading tests on feet surfaces: only a contact of a support by the plantar surface - an examined person is in sitting position; approximately half of a body weight - an examined person is on both low limbs position; weight of all body - an examined person is on the one low limb (right or left) position and other loads. It will allow to assess not only anatomic feet parameters, but also its spring function. Similar biomechanical tests can be held by means of computer plantography and podometry by modern means of registration and the analysis of feet images, which are based on a photo/video shooting or optical scanning. The method of translation in digital form of feet images influences on accuracy and speed plantopodography examination. Comparing two methods- the photo/video shooting and optical scanning - a conclusion has been drawn, that, despite of advantages of a photo/video shooting concerning speed of data recording, it is better to choose a method of optical scanning using a scanner with a CCD-matrix (Charge Coupled Device) for receiving better feet images. Considering the identified merits and demerits of this method the offered biomechanical tests have been held by means of hardware-software complex «DiaSled-Scan». The received results show the perspective of use the similar biomechanical tests at the plantopodography to assess not only parameters of the feet form (including the arch heights), but also its arches spring.
Pages: 13-19
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