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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Modern Opportunities and Prospects of Neirowarmvision
V.L. Anzimirov, A.G. Gudkov, V.Y. Leushin, D.I. Tzyganov
A new non-invasive method of dynamic examination of temperature reactions of the brain - super high-frequency radiothermography - opens up new vistas for diagnosis and studying of physiology of the brain. The analysis of radiothermal brain changes to certain functional loadings studied in 29 healthy subjects proved high sensitivity of this method and revealed the most characteristic temperature response (changes) to orthostatic, nitroglycerine, hyperventilation and Matas - tests. Interesting results were obtained in response to visual-spatial stimuli, verbal and mathematical task performance as well as acoustic and optic stimulation. 46 patients with brain tumors and 39 patients with cerebral vascular pathology, examined at the Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute, revealed typical changes of cerebral temperature topography which correlated with results of infra-red thermometry and findings of brain Angiography. Functional tests, especially in combination with hyperventilation, allowed to reveal pathologic zones of the brain. Especially informative were hyperventilation tests which proved to be useful in demonstrating localization of the epileptogeneous zone and its connections with the associative areas and "mirror" centres in the contralateral hemisphere. We marked a considerable intensification of temperature shifts and mosaic temperature distributions in the early postoperative period. A widespread use of radiothermography in clinical practice will result in further progressive studying of physiology and pathomorphology of the brain as well as provide better diagnosis.
Pages: 49-54
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