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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Time Parametres of Pulse Signals in Diagnosing the State of a Human Organism by Tradition of Tibetan Medicine
L.V. Ayusheyeva, V.V. Boronoyev, I.V. Lebedintseva, I.P. Ledneva
The work presents the results of the study of diagnostic significance of a pulse wave time parameters by pulse di-agnostics of Tibetan medicine. On examining a patient, physicians-experts in Tibetan medicine primarily detect deviations towards heat or cold in state of a human organism. It is acknowledged that an imbalance of heat and cold brings about a functional disorder of internals and systems of a human organism. The analysis of the obtained data has shown that heat raises the heart rate considerably compared to the norm whereas the predomenance of cold, conversely, decreases the heart rate. On heat predomenance, the vessel wall becomes more rigid; on the predomenance of cold, conversely, the extensibility of a vessel wall rises, which is confirmed by the increase of the return time of a reflected wave and by the elasticity value compared with the norm. On the predominance of heat, the rapid ejection phase Em increases considerably while the phase of reduced ejection Er decreases. In case of the prevalence of cold, on the contrary, the rapid ejection phase Em becomes shorter simultaneously with the increase of the phase of reduced ejection Er compared with the norm. The results of the study show the diagnostic significance of the time parameters of a pulse wave of the radial ar-tery using pulse diagnostics of Tibetan medicine by computer technologies for diagnosing the state of a human organism.
Pages: 17-23
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