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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Investigation of Low-Frequency Pulsed Vortex Magnetic Field Influence on Humans Brain Magnetic Activity by SQUID-Magnetometry Method
low-frequency pulsed vortex magnetic field
superconductiv magnetometry
biomagnetic signal
power spectral density
sample estimate
adaptive digital filtering
I.A. Sinelnikova, Ye.P. Lobkayeva
The significant increasing of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation and heavy use of therapeutic devices which use an electromagnetic field as an influencing agent recent years. It requires change of approach to a defintion of maximum permissible levels of eletromagnetic field parameters and conditions of an operator`s work. Also it is important to verificate side effects of therapeutic devices using low-intensity electromagnetic fields. Central nervous system serves as an indicator of an adaptive response of an organism and reacts on each environmental agent by changing its cerebral activity.
This work shows the results of research of low-frequency pulsed vortex magnetic field (PVMF) influence on human-s magnetoencephalogram (MEG). 14 voulanteers took part in this experiment. An experiment carried out by using a single-channel SQUIID gradiometer in a weakly shielded room. Shield level was 40 dB unless this type of measurements required a 200 dB shield level. The distance between master reel SQUID gradiometer and pariental zone of human`s head was ~ 12 mm. The mathematical processing technique has been developed consisting of well-known digital methods. It selects a MEG from the noisy biomagnetic signal and estimates MEG`s dynamic and frequent parameters.
The method of superconducting magnetometry along with other biological methods on the basis of 5010F model of SQUID-gradiometer allows to get objective diagnostic information on the changes in human encephalogram during the investigations of low-intensity low-frequency pulsed vortex magnetic field (PVMF) influence on human organism in therapeutic modes. Spontaneous and induced magnetic field activity of human brain was registered by the firmware metering system. The investigation of the dynamics of human magnetoencephalograms disclosed that PVMF influence formed by UMTI-3F device («Kolibri») in different therapeutic oscillating modes min (the peak value of magnetic field induction at the center of working area was in the range from 1.2 mT to 2.4 mT. ) during 10 does not result in the abnormal changes of human magnetoencephalograms, but stabilizes alpha-rhythm decreasing its frequency deviation and thus increases working capacity and ability for abstract thinking. The distribution of average value of normalized spectral power density into the ranges of natural rhythms of human magnetoencephalograms after PVMF influence (with open
and closed eyes) has completely coincided with the distribution of similar component characteristic of spontaneous human magnetoencephalograms during calm and relaxed state with closed eyes before PVMF influence.
Pages: 10-16
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