350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Comparative Evaluation the Impact of Activation Mobile Phones Main Standards for Cellular Communications on Electrogenesis of Human Brain
S.V. Pobachenko, A.V. Ponomarev
In the environment objects are constantly under the influence of electromagnetic fields, both natural and man-made origin. It is well known that the electromagnetic fields, the range of Schumann and Alfven resonances, which are formed by a complex solar  geophysical factors, act as ritmozadachi to ensure stable functioning of living systems. During last half century processes of modifications of natural phone in the connect with significant increase of weight of anthropogenic component is observed. One of the most widespread technologic sources of electromagnetic irradiation is mobile connection. There is no doubt that mobile phone irradiation effects on human organism. However mechanisms of this influence in particular on electrogenesis of human brain remain undetermined. As a result of comparing the impact of activation of two different cell phone standards, found that momentary activation of a cellular telephone CDMA-450 standard will not increase the spectral power in the parameters of the EEG in the frequency range 2  4 Hz and 7.5  8.5 Hz, in contrast to activation of a cellular telephone GSM-900, which causes a significant increase in spectral power in terms of human EEG. Also, the activation of a cellular telephone standard CDMA-450 leads to a decrease in the level of conjugation parameter variations of background ELF EMF and EEG only in 22 % of cases, the reduction occurs at a percent, in contrast to the activation of a cellular telephone GSM-900, in which the 95 % of cases there is reduction in the level of conjugation parameter variations of background ELF EMF and human EEG changes in the frequency range of the first Schumann reson-ance mode (7.5  8.5 Hz) by an average of 15 %.
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