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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Synthesis of Combined Fuzzy Rules for Forecasting and Diagnostics of Acute Cholecystitis
M.T. Shehine, L.P. Lazurina, M.V. Artemenko, N.A. Korenevsky
The synthesis of fuzzy rules for forecasting and diagnostics of acute cholecystitis in current work is carried out with the use of fuzzy decision making logic. The prediction of occurrence and prenosological diagnostics of acute cholecystitis is carried out by fuzzy rules of E. Shotkliff by aggregation of membership functions with the carrier at concentration of copper, zinc, and cobalt in human blood and at energy reaction of acupunctural points connected with pancreas (AP96, A109). The certainty in correct prediction and prenosological (early) diagnosis by chosen group of characteristics reaches the level of 0,9. Fuzzy decision rules for detecting of severity degree of disease use the clinical data: data of dyspepsical disorders, evidence of pain syndrome, information of skin staining, data of concomitant pathologies, data of peritoneal syn-dromes. Besides data of instrumental researches such as ultrasound, reography and laboratory data: hematocrit, leukocytic index of intoxication, urea, bilirubin, creatinine and urostasis are used. The certainty in decision making about severity level of acute cholecystitis by this group of signs reaches the level of 0,8 what allows to recommend this results for practical use.
Pages: 70-75
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