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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Structurization of Water by Amino Acids - of Nanostruktural by Substrates of the Synthesis of Proteins. P. I. Experimental Research of Structurization of Water Amino Acids with the Nonpolar Hydrophobic Side Radical
N.I .Sinitsyn, V.A. Elkin, R.V. Sinitsyna, O.V. Betskii
The effect of structurization of water is experimentally considered by -amino acids of different class-rooms. It -amino acids with non-polar (hydrophobic) substituent R, with polar (hydrophilic) R, -amino acids with side radical R, charged positively (base), and -amino acids with side radical, charged negatively (acid). The basic outcomes of the spent examinations are stated in paper, two-piece. In the first part water structuration by -amino acids with a non-polar hydrophobic side radical for the first time is experimentally investigated - ala-nine and phenyl alanine. Exposition of experimental researches is preceded by short classification of properties of the amino acids which are principal nano-structural substrates of biosynthesis of proteins. Thus in connection with variety -amino acids the problem about examination of behaviour of various representatives of these class-rooms and the shape from a position of their key properties in relation to water is put. In-process first of all the question of principle about a possibility of structuration of water is explored by amino acids which is fundamental. For carrying out of experimental researches it is offered and for the first time created adjustment UHF-IR (ex-tremely high-frequency - infra-red) the spectroscopies, allowing on examination of a transparency of water in an IR a band to receive the information on dependence of structurization of water from presence at it of amino acids in various concentrations, and also to explore agency low intensive UHF radiances on processes of structuration of aqueous layers. The used method of translucence of aqueous layers a directional IR-beam allows to find not only the fact of structuration of an aqueous layer -amino acids, but also a direction and diffusion orientation in an explored aqueous layer of the chain branches consisting of molecules of water, at structurization of an aqueous layer. The received observational outcomes proved the fact of structurization of water by -amino acids with non-polar hydrophobic substituent R. The structuration extent is attended by growth of a transparency of a sheet of water for IR waves in a direction of chain branches of the reticulated layers, and the time from the beginning of structurization before saturation variously for different amino acids and depends on the dimensions and frame of side radical R. It is experimentally revealed, that to a modification of concentration of amino acid in water solution there are essential modifications its IR-UHF a spectrum. The received outcomes have the basic value. They discover a possibility of build-up of models of structurization of water organic compounds and allow to come nearer to an explanation of mechanisms of biochemical processes in living cells of alive organisms.
Pages: 45-58
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