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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Influence of MM-Radiation on DNA of Tumor Cells in Vivo
V.P. Kalantaryan, Y.S. Babayan, L.E. Nersesyan, I.S. Danielyan, A.S. Aharonyan, H.M. Stepanyan, N.V. Khudaverdyan, J.V. Gharibyan
The influence of low-intensity millimeter range electromagnetic radiation on tumors induce a great interest among researchers,because it is non-ionizing radiation and therefore has not harmful side-effects which cause X-rays. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether low-intensity (non-thermal) MMWs at 42.2GHz can act on tumor of mice in vivo without cytostatic agents. Materials and Methods. The animals were divided into four groups,10 animals in per group. The first group was not given any treatment. Duration of the exposure for the second and third groups was respectively 15 min and 30 min each day for 15 consecutive days. The fourth group served as a sham control for third group. On day 4 of irradiation, all animals were injected with Sarсoma 37 cells. During the whole-body exposure to extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR) the animals were placed in front of the center of the conical antenna, at distance of 400 mm from the radiating end of the antenna (far field zone). The millimeter wave-s generator G4-141 produced 42.2+_0.05GHz wave coherent radiation. Spatial peak Incident Power Density (IPD) was measured as 0,05 mw/cm2 and spatial peak Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) at the skin surface was calculated as 2 W/kg. Results and Discussion. In the third group (30 min exposure) take place sharp suppression tumor-s DNA methylation level and tumor-s growth inhibition at 33.5%.In the second group (15 min exposure) there was not observed suppression tumor-s DNA methylation level and in tumour growth inhibition. Correlation between tumor growth inhibition and level of DNA methylation is obviously. After 15 sessions of 30 min MMW-therapy without anti-tumor drugs besides inhibition growth of tumor at 33.5% is observed abrupt suppression of DNA methylation level on 2.5 time. Mechanism action of MMWs basically includes the demethylation tumor-s DNA, which in turn can sensitize chromatin damage, to inhibit DNA effective reparation, providing genomic instability, which can lead to tumor-s cells apoptosis and tumor growth inhibition. Thus these researches have revealed correlation of the antineoplastic activity of MMWs therapy with inhibition of the methylation tumoral DNA in vivo, as therapeutic effect of influence of coherent MM-waves estimated on growth inhibition of a tumour and level change of the methylation. Obtained without cytostatics antitumoral effect of MMWs indicates about perspectivity development of MMW-therapy for clinical oncology for treatment of malignant neoplasms.
Pages: 12-16
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