350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Adaptive Decision Support System of the Doctor-Bacteriologist
E.V. Sadykova, E.A. Semenova
This article is about the developed system of decision support physician-bacteriologist «Bacteriology», increases the efficiency of the diagnostic laboratory at the expense of technology, including adaptive adjustment of medical data. Decision Support System (DSS) «Bakteriology» - computer automated system, which aims to improve the efficiency of physician-bacteriologist diagnostic laboratory hospital. Lists the steps that were performed during the development of DSS «Bakteriology». The structure of DSS «Bakteriology», which consists of several sections: «registration and search of patients», «Bacteriological Journals», «database» and «Knowledge Base». Examined in detail the technology creating a system of decision support with detailed study of each unit. In a DSS «Bakteriology», used relational databases, which represent a set of tables. To create a «Knowledge Base» using such a formalism for knowledge representation as semantic networks. Basic form, a semantic network is a graphical representation. System «Bakteriology» can be used in any bacteriological laboratory of health facilities, due to technology, including adaptive settings. Software product «Bakteriology» brought to the practical implementation and has the following advantages: Simplicity and clarity applications, through the use of technology visual programming interface, most comfortable environment, low resource requirements PC.
Pages: 34-38
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